In bored moments, I have been known to google for literary agents who might want to take me on. I’m building up a shortlist of possibles before deciding who to plump for first. I was a bit taken aback by some of the draconian submission guidelines on agents’ websites, until I read the following from […]
Ready, steady….coke!
With a long weekend ahead, husband packed off on a trip of his own, fridge stocked and infinite supplies of diet coke on ice, it’s time for a four-day stint of writing. See you on the other side.
The Afterlife of Charles I’s Death Warrant
The Death Warrant One thing leads to another when you’re researching, and as a result of work on the fire book, I have gathered enough spare material for an academic article, which I’m planning to call “The Afterlife of Charles I’s Death Warrant”, telling the story of what happened to this iconic document, one of the […]
Bought two postcards of the principal Turner watercolour of the fire today from the Tate. One for home, one for work.
The Loneliness of the Longdistance Narrative Historian
After my nine-day marathon of writing, and a bit of work over the Bank Holiday weekend, I have now jogged past the 75,000 word milepost. I am very pleased with progress, but the first three and a half chapters are still just a series of half-digested chunks of narrative and references which is annoying. […]
Spent part of Bank Holiday Saturday mooching round Blackwells and Waterstones in Oxford, after discovering that the Bodleian was shut because of the holiday. (Memo to self: check the website next time). After a minor tantrum outside the Divinity School, I reconciled myself to following up some references the following weekend instead. In the bookshops […]