Just back from a fascinating four days attending Bob McKee’s Story Seminar. Although intended to be useful for work, in terms of interpreting historical stories for the public, it was also tremendously helpful for my book. McKee is a famous (perhaps, the most famous) Hollywood script doctor, and a polemicist for ‘story’ in all narrative, particularly […]
I am writing this slightly numb with shock, but also amazed and over the moon to report that at lunchtime today the agent I sent an initial submission to, on Tuesday, emailed me to ask to meet up. I really wasn’t expecting a response (positive or negative) for weeks, so am very excited. We’ll be meeting […]
Would You Read this Book?
Well, today’s the day when things got serious: I sent off my prologue and first three chapters to a literary agent. I won’t say which one here, since I might not get anywhere and will then look a total fule. But if I do, you’ll be the first to know. I should get a yay or […]
Er…make that Tuesday
Printed everything out, ready to go, then saw a few more things to tweak. Will try to hold my nerve and post tomorrow after correcting.
Stage One: Ready to Go!
All of a sudden, through tinkering here and there with a few things in the evenings, checking out some rogue references, and doing a lot of thinking, I discover that I have a completed, checked prologue, the first three chapters in tip-top shape, and a covering letter with a gripping synopsis ready to go to […]
What did the fire look like?
I was really interested to see this BBC video of the fire at Hastings pier, East Sussex, which burnt down last night. I think it gives an insight into what the 1834 fire may have looked like from the south bank of the Thames: reflections in the water, sparks falling off the sides, and afterwards a […]