Spent this weekend working on chapter 12. Got stuck, so fiddled about with the bibliography, note on sources and acknowledgements. Important to keep writing something, I think. Seems harder now light is visible at the end of the tunnel, though.
Vulgar Clatter and Clamour
Sent off chapters 7 to 10 today to my prospective agent, at the end of a day of leave. Feel very pleased. Also sailed over the 99,000 word mark with some last minute splicing in of new sources. One of my favourite bits added today: Contemporaries described the fire as (amongst other things), “fearfully imposing” […]
A Room of My Own
I write in the cellar, which also doubles as a dining room. I also share it with the washing and the hoover. Here is the view this afternoon as I finish off chapter 11. Of particular note is the ubiquitous diet coke can, and my cat in a warm spot by the radiator. The cat also […]
Treasures of the Victoria Tower
Delighted to see a really great review of the book I recently finished with colleagues at work. Hits the nail right on the head about what we were trying to do. Here’s hoping my solo effort will get the same reaction…
Happy New Year to All My Readers!
During the first week of 2011 I completed work on chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10. I now have two-thirds of the book finalised, and am just doing final checks before sending this latest chunk off to my prospective agent. I also have three kind people reading and commenting on chapters 0 to 6, which […]
Christmas Presents!
Having been given a print of the fire for my birthday in November, my other half presents it to me – framed – for Christmas – lovely!